Month: December 2014

2014 – 2015: A Look at Where We’ve Been and Where We’re Going

We are coming up on the end of our first year of operation here at Roggen Wulf. 2014 has been an incredible ride, and we could not be more pleased with progress we are making. It has been a roller coaster to be sure, and we expect another fast paced year to come.

We came a long way very quickly this year. We have made a lot of friends, developed a lot opportunities, and explored many potential roads to success. With just two days left in 2014, I would like to wrap up this year with a recap of where we’ve been and to give you all some sneak previews of what we have in store for 2015.


Bakabakashi Inbo BanBan: Episode 2 “Christmas Rattackular” Part 1

Senshi Mayonaka was a quiet, unassuming young woman. She was employed as a municipal clerk at City Hall in the village where she grew up. It wasn’t the most interesting job, but it gave her something to do and it kept some money in her pocket. The village magistrate had been a friend of her family for many years, and he made sure that she was well taken care of after her parents passed away. He was kindly and well-intentioned, if the slightest bit repetitive when he got to talking about certain subjects.

It was early evening when Mayonaka made her way home from work. She drifted down the narrow, winding roads of the old town. Elegant little buildings stood on either side of the street, most with pretty shops at ground level and apartments up above. The smell of Christmas trees and pine wreaths wafted softly on the breeze. The bakeries were making gingerbread and the scent of coffee and cakes seemed to permeate the entire village. Mayonaka sighed contentedly, enjoying the evening.


The Rise of Hal King: Episode 3 “Hard As Ice and Just As Cold

A hard, ugly sun rose over the Bolingbroke Ranch, the glare of dawn throwing long shadows over the dusty ground. Three such shadows fell across the porch of Henry King’s ranch house, their heads falling just short of King’s boots. These three shadows belonged to three men. They stood before King as he sat in a chair and took his breakfast.

The youngest of the three men opened his mouth to speak, but King held up a warning finger while he drank his coffee. It was still early, but the old cattleman had decided to start his day with a plate of fried steaks. The beans and fried eggs were an afterthought, nothing more. Taking his time chewing a mouthful of food, King said not a word, and the three men were forced to wait until it was his pleasure to join the conversation.


Turn That Growing Gap on Your Resume Into an Employment Plus

Employment gaps sometimes raise red flags for prospective employers. By leveraging their ingenuity, creative job seekers can use employment gaps to their advantage.

Despite historic low rates of unemployment, the job market can still pose major challenges to new college graduates and those who lost their jobs to the wave of downsizing following the Great Recession. For these job seekers, the widening employment gap on their resumes might seem fatal to their employment prospects.

With some ingenuity and elbow-grease, however, spending time outside of the traditional workforce can become a positive to potential employers.


Bakabakashi Inbo BanBan: Episode 1 “Kore wa Mojiri Desu Ka?”

A chilly wind blew across the desolate moors. It stirred the cloak of the dark stranger who stood at the crossroads in the starlight. In the stranger’s arms languished a young woman; her blood-smeared body hanging limply in his grasp.

With a glint in his eye, the stranger lowered his head so that his face was hidden beneath the wide brim of his hat. Behind him he left the burning remains of the village and departed with a swish of his cloak. The chilly wind blew, the moon shown on the desolate moors, and clouds of smoke drifted by, obscuring the stars from view.


Schwind_Begraebnis bw

(Roggen Wulf, 2014)



Get Featured on Roggen Wulf!

Are you a writer or an artist looking for an independent venue where you can show off your work to the world?

As of today, we are officially opening our site to featured artists and writers. We would like to welcome the diverse members of our community to contribute their thoughts, vision, and sound to our library!

If you are interested in having your work featured on our site, please get in touch with us! You contact me any time at, or message me on Facebook or Twitter!

The Perks

It’s easy and hassle-free! Creating, maintaining, and promoting your own site is a time-consuming and often messy process, and it can take weeks or even months of intense work to see results. Our site gives you the advantage of an established, maintenance-free platform for your work.

We promote your work! We help you tap into our readers through our social media networks by promoting you on Twitter, Facebook, WordPress, and more.

We will help you perfect your work! My editor and I will work with you personally to help you make your work the best that it can be. My editor is an awesome guy, and you’ll really enjoy working with him.

You keep the rights to your work! You put so much time and effort into it, why should your work belong to someone else?

What We Are Looking For

We are calling for material from all disciplines, genres, and mediums. Creators from fields such as film, literature, music, art, and many others are invited to share their work here. We welcome fiction, nonfiction, reviews, op-eds, social analysis, writing tips, interviews, poetry, advice and much more.


Saturday Story Wars: A Specter of War

There is but little along the highway between Silverfallet and Kiruna. The western coast of the Torneträsk is home to Abisko with its national park and precious little else. Except for the passing trains and the very occasional helicopter when there has been a road accident, it is a quiet place, forlorn sometimes. It was no place I would expect to hear the powerful engines that roared menacingly in the night not far from my bedroom.

My father told me of a boy about the same age I am now who was recruited to the Munckska at the time of Ådelen. He would have joined the Hemvärnet, but was instead transferred to the shores of Nakerjaure where in 1939 he trained fighters for the vinterkriget. After joining the Finns in the battle of Raate, he was sent to Oscarsborg festning, then to Hamar, to Elverum, and finally to Narvik.

What happened to him after Narvik, no one really knows.


The Rise of Hal King: Episode 2 “Heading for the Sound”

Hal thrust his hands into the pockets of his trousers. The night was comfortably cool and a light wind ruffled his hair as he made his way through the deserted streets of the dark and sleeping town. It was quiet here, but he was heading for the sound. Drawn like a moth, he quickened his step. Voices rose and the banter of a piano struggled to overcome the noise of fast footfalls and clapping hands.

Hal rounded a corner to find the Razorback blazing with light. Above the door of the saloon hung the head of a wild boar carved from a log and suspended on big, cast-iron hooks. Hal glanced up at it, watching it sway on its hooks as the dancers inside the Razorback slammed the floor with their boot heels. Making for the wide, wooden porch, Hal was stopped in his tracks by shattering glass as the saloon’s window exploded out into the street.


Writing Prompt: Let’s Hear It For Elozable!

Words are funny things. They are alive in a way, and when they die their remains become fossilized in old books, ancient texts, and the preserved speeches of people who have, themselves, long since passed on. Unlike other living things, however, words can be resurrected from death and obscurity to be written and spoken anew. In this month’s writing prompt, we will be revivifying one such word—a word that is amenable to our flattery, one that speaks to the harmless avidulousness in each of us.

So what is this word that is so well-disposed to adulation? Let’s find out!
