
Word of the Day: Inhospitable

Inhospitable [Adjective]


“(1) not hospitable,

 (2) barren; wild; cheerless; affording no shelter or subsistence”

(Credit: Funk & Wagnalls)

Inhospitable, from the Latin hospes meaning “guest,” “stranger,” or “visitor,” is an adjective used to describe a demeanor or environment which is harsh or unwelcoming.


Writing Prompt Will Be Late This Week

Colds aren’t cool!

I’m really sorry that this week’s writing prompt has not been posted yet. I know y’all have waited a couple of weeks for a new one while I have been out on vacation, so I was really hoping to have this week’s up by now.

Unfortunately, I seem to have come down with a cold. And I had big plans for today, too. It’s no fair! But alas such is life.

Depending upon how I’m feeling, this week’s writing prompt will probably be posted much later today or sometime Tuesday. There is a slim chance that it might get pushed back to Wednesday, which would really bum me out.

Again, I’m super sorry to keep y’all waiting!

….I wish my cat was taking care of me. Why can’t I live in an anime?

Schwind_Begraebnis bw

(Roggen Wulf, 2014)