
Things That Go Bump: Mystery, Vibe, and the Occult

By Robert Leo Newton

2014 was a year out of the ordinary for me, musically. For ten years I led my flagship Progressive Rock band, Blood Root Mother, through half baked song sessions, teen clubs, working class recording studios, and begging for gigs in the unforgiving war zone that is the Minneapolis Rock music scene. I had finally been making a living off of nothing but music for a few years, mostly through teaching, but things were not entirely hunky dory.


Word of the Day: Inhospitable

Inhospitable [Adjective]


“(1) not hospitable,

 (2) barren; wild; cheerless; affording no shelter or subsistence”

(Credit: Funk & Wagnalls)

Inhospitable, from the Latin hospes meaning “guest,” “stranger,” or “visitor,” is an adjective used to describe a demeanor or environment which is harsh or unwelcoming.


Word of the Day: Pacify

Pacify [Noun]


“(1) to bring peace to; to end war or strife in,

 (2) to allay the anger or agitation of; appease; calm”

(Credit: Funk & Wagnalls)

Pacify, from the Latin pac or peas meaning “peace,” is a verb used when someone or something helps to calm a situation, brings a peaceful end to conflict, or appeases an enemy.
